31 Simple Wellness Tips for Healthy & Happy Living


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can occasionally seem like an impossible challenge that doesn't mesh with the demands of everyday living. It's challenging to maintain a full-time work, eat healthfully, exercise, brew your own green juice, spend time with your family and/or partner, and meditate for an hour every day.

Healthy living can, of course, include all of these aspects (if you want it to), but it need not be characterized by overt demonstrations of physical prowess.

Healthy living is essentially made up of all the little things we do every day that may not seem like much, but when done consistently over time, they build up to big benefits.


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31 wellness tips for healthy & happy living

Here are 31 suggestions for leading a healthier, happier lifestyle that you can easily implement into your day-to-day activities:

1. drink a glass of water first thing in the morning

Coffee’s great too, but it’s best to start your day by re-hydrating with a full glass of water. Hydrating first thing in the morning helps to aid digestion, enhance skin health and boost energy.

2. take the stairs

The stairs are a simple method to add a little extra physical activity to your daily life instead of using the elevator. While you're doing it, your legs and core are strengthened and toned as well!

3. make half your plate veggies

A quick tip for healthy eating is to fill half of your plate with vegetables at each meal (and portion control). The vegetables are a rich source of phytonutrients, vital vitamins, and other nutrients for good health and long life. They also serve to promote digestion (i.e., keep you regular!) and keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time because they are high in fiber.

4. get a fitness tracker + track your steps

A simple approach to make sure you're getting enough exercise each day is to track your steps with a fitness tracker (like a Fitbit or Apple Watch). Aiming for 10,000 steps each day provides considerable advantages for both physical and mental health. A fitness tracker will also remind you to walk 250 steps every hour, which is another crucial health indicator (see tip #9 for more information). Here are some of our top picks for smartwatch fitness trackers for 2021.

5. switch to non-toxic household cleaning products

Traditional household cleaners contain a lot of dangerous chemicals that are bad for our health and the health of our children and pets. It's easy to decrease your exposure to environmental contaminants in your home by making the switch to healthier substitutes. For a comprehensive list of suggestions and what to consider when selecting safer household cleaning products, see our Healthy Cleaning Guide.

6. use non-toxic skincare + personal care products

Conventional skincare and personal care products contain hazardous substances that we shouldn't frequently let to enter our body's main organ, just like traditional cleaning products. Use non-toxic personal care and beauty items to lessen the toxic load on your body (see our specific recommendations on deodorant, sunscreen, and green beauty products).

7. take a probiotic daily

Digestion, skin health, immunity, mental health, and other areas are significantly impacted by maintaining a healthy gut. One of the simplest things you can do to improve your gut health is to take a daily probiotic with a glass of water every morning (which, in turn, boosts overall health in many ways too). Learn more about the advantages of probiotics for your health (and how to incorporate them into your diet) and purchase our top probiotic supplement here.

8. eat real food

Eat real cuisine that your grandmother or you would recognize as being created with whole foods that you would find in your own cupboard. Sorry, but this eliminates the majority of packaged goods. This is somewhat different from advising you to consume solely "health foods," many of which are becoming more and more processed. Unprocessed foods like an apple, a cucumber, soybeans, or a steak are examples of "real food," as are foods that have been only minimally processed from one (or a few) real-food constituents, such as butter, olive oil, yogurt, tofu, etc. In other words, choose foods that can be manufactured at home and stay away from those that can only be created in a lab.

9. stand up every 30 minutes while working

Every half hour, get up and move around for a few minutes to counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting (like at a desk job).

10. get sunlight every day

Sunlight is one of our finest sources of vitamin D, which is one of the nutrients that is most crucial for overall health. Attempt to spend at least 30 minutes each day outside, especially in the late afternoon without the use of sunscreen (read more about that here). Is there little sunlight where you live in the winter? It might be beneficial to take a vitamin D supplement or eat foods that naturally contain this nutrient.

11. fill your home with houseplants

Houseplants are gorgeous, they purify the air in your home (which, regrettably, they definitely do! ), and studies have even shown that they enhance mood, creativity, and problem-solving skills!

12. sweat every day

Whether it's through hot yoga, dancing, bicycling, running, or any other form of physical activity you enjoy, try to work up a sweat at least once a day. For more workout suggestions, advice on incorporating regular physical activity into your daily life, and a printable fitness planner you can use to create your own personalized fitness plan to remain on track, check out our fitness guide.

13. have a daily green smoothie

Green smoothies make it simple to get your daily recommended amount of greens as a snack or quick meal on the road. For some of our favorite starting green smoothie recipe ideas, browse our collection of healthy (and veggie-packed!) smoothie recipes.

14. work hard + be kind

Enough said!

15. cultivate a positive mindset

"Your attitude is the only thing that separates a good day from a poor day." True, attitude is everything. Develop a positive attitude by identifying your negative thought patterns and replacing them with good ones.

16. get enough sleep

Adults typically require 7-9 hours of sleep per night. But sleep quality is just as important as sleep quantity. Follow our recommendations for achieving good sleep, including keeping your bedroom chilly at night and avoiding blue light after sunset.

17. start your day with a healthy morning routine

Start each day off right with satisfying pursuits that create the mood you desire, whether it be inspired, at ease, productive, or something else. Check out our list of suggestions for creating a wholesome morning ritual to get your day off to a good start!

18. eat the rainbow

Try to eat something from each color of the rainbow every day. (Only natural colors; no Skittles.

19. floss your teeth

For both dental and general wellness, floss your teeth every day. Daily flossing not only keeps your teeth and gums healthy, but it also promotes immunity and heart health.

20. spend time alone

You can get to know and stay in touch with yourself better if you often spend time alone (because we are all continually evolving and changing!). You can live your most purposeful life by checking in with yourself during your alone time to see how you're doing and what you want. As a healthy way to spend time alone, some people like hiking, going for walks or runs, practicing meditation, or even lying in the sun.

21. do things you enjoy

Doing something you enjoy doing every day is something that is frequently forgotten as a crucial component of healthy life. Reserve time each day to spend doing things you particularly enjoy, whether that's exercising, baking, creating, reading a book, or watching TV.

22. choose organic foods when possible

We'll allow that more in-depth post linked do the talking and just remind you to choose organic foods whenever possible because there are a ton of health, environmental, and social benefits to do so. They are better for the environment, your health, and the farmworkers who grow your food.

23. a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar keeps the doctor away

Everything is cured by apple cider vinegar, or almost everything. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water can help with digestion, bloating relief, immunity-boosting, blood sugar regulation, and other things. We advise using raw, organic apple cider vinegar without filtering.

24. smile often

It's true that smiling improves both your physical and emotional health, so try to smile as frequently as you can throughout the day.

25. work on overcoming your fears

We are held back by our fears and are unable to live life to the fullest. Recognize your fears and take action to get over them. (One illustration of this is conquering your fear of public speaking to gain access to new opportunities in both your professional and personal life.)

26. use a yoga ball as a desk chair

By using a yoga ball as a desk chair, you can improve your core while protecting your back, shoulders, and neck.

27. manage stress with self-care activities

Your physical and emotional health are both negatively impacted by persistent stress. Learn your stress releases (things that can help you feel calm when you're stressed) and your stress triggers (things that make you feel anxious, either fast or over time) so you can proactively manage stress and keep levels healthy.

28. intermittent fasting can promote weight loss

Since constraints are unpleasant, we don't really enjoy dieting, yet intermittent fasting is more of an eating routine than a diet. It offers a number of noteworthy health advantages, including the ability to speed up metabolism to aid in weight loss, reduce inflammation, and improve longevity.

29. drink a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage

No, we won't advise you to abstain from drinking (but you are more than welcome to do so!). If done responsibly, moderate alcohol consumption can be a component of a "healthy" lifestyle. A glass of water after each alcoholic beverage aids in alcohol detoxification, slows down alcohol consumption, and keeps you hydrated (essential for avoiding hangovers!).

30. practice gratitude

Every day, try to be grateful. You can do this in the morning, at night, or even during your lunch break at work. Here are some of our favorite gratitude-inspiring ideas, along with a list of the positive effects frequent thankfulness practice has on both your physical and emotional health.

31. a walk around the block is better than no walk at all

Even a small amount of effort is preferable than doing nothing at all when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle. Take a quick walk around the block if you want to go for a walk but don't have time for your usual hour-long stroll. Better than not walking at all is a 5-minute stroll!

and remember:

  • You don't have to complete everything at once, and you don't have to.
  • You're more likely to engage in activities you truly enjoy.
Make a note of which of these healthy living suggestions appeals to you the best, and start there!

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