Using Your Super Senses to Read People: 3 Techniques
My role as a psychiatrist is to read individuals, to understand who they are in addition to what they say. I want to peek past their masks and into the true person through deciphering verbal and nonverbal signs. Using logic alone won't give you a complete picture of somebody. To learn to read the crucial non-verbal intuition signs that individuals give out, you must submit to other essential sources of information. You must also be willing to let go of any preconceived notions or emotional baggage, such as long-held grudges or ego-clashes, that prevent you from seeing someone clearly in order to do this. The key is to remain objective and receive information neutrally without distorting it. Try these people -reading techniques from The Power of Surrender, my book. All of them demand giving up pure logic in favor of accepting additional, non-linear forms of input. 3 Techniques to Read People 1. The First Technique – Observe Body Language Cues Research has shown that words account ...